Andres Vaher

Teadusseminar "Measurement of innovation: selection of indicators and (mis)use of scoreboards" (Attila Havas)

Measurement of innovation: selection of indicators and (mis)use of scoreboards 

Esmaspäev, 6.mai 2024 kell 14.15-15.15 Delta ruum 1024 ja Zoom 

Attila Havas (Hungarian Academy of Sciences) 

The choice of indicators to measure innovation processes and assess performance is of vital significance. This paper argues that those economic theories give a more accurate, more reliable account of innovation activities that follow a broad approach of innovation, that is, consider all knowledge-intensive activities leading to new products (goods or services), processes, business models, as well as new organisational and managerial solutions, and thus take into account various types, forms and sources of knowledge exploited for innovation by all sorts of actors in all economic sectors. In contrast, the narrow approach to innovation focuses on the so-called high-tech goods and sectors. The broad approach is needed to collect data and other types of information, on which sound theories can be built and reliable and comprehensive analyses of innovation activities can be offered to decision-makers to underpin public policies and company strategies. Analysts and policy-makers need to avoid the trap of paying too much attention to simplifying ranking exercises. Instead, it is of utmost importance to conduct detailed, thorough comparative analyses, identifying the reasons for a disappointing performance, as well as the sources of – opportunities for – balanced, and sustainable, socio-economic development.

Kadri Voorand

Uueks Tartu Ülikooli vabade kunstide professoriks saab muusik Kadri Voorand

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